Yes, it can be very hard work. I like to begin every day by having devotions—reading the Bible and praying. That helps me get started, and often my best ideas come out of that time. When writing goes well I’m so delighted and think I wouldn’t want to do anything else on earth.

  • Nicolette Maile Lauller wrote:

    Hello, I am Nicolette. I am a writer as well, and would love to hear some more of your writing tips! I often find my best ideas when I'm riding my bike too! Please check out my book:
    THE FORGOTTEN FATHER. it's a series :) I'm writing the second book right now! It's called:

    God bless you,
    ~Nicolettey ~ Reply
    • lwj wrote:

      Hi Nicolette,
      What fun to know that you not only like writing, but you also like biking and often get your best ideas then!
      Terrific! I'll think about you the next time I get out. And the titles of the books you're writing sound good and helpful. Keep on keeping on!

      Love, Lois Reply

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