Want to share your thoughts with Lois? Click Here to leave feedback.


From Maine about Viking Quest

I just wanted to let you know how much I love your books! Especially the
Viking Quest books–

they are my favorite series! I have read them all multiple times! ….
They inspired me to learn

more about the Vikings, and they have become a great interest for me!
Because I live in ME,

I think they are especially fascinating, as there is the possibility they
could have come to my state!

I love Bree, Dev, Mikkel– well, all of the characters! If the Viking
Quest series was ever made into

a movie or movies, I dream of playing Bree! …. Maybe someday….

Tusen Takk for writing such great books!

Hannah, 14, Maine

From Wisconsin about Freedom Seekers

Dear Mrs. Johnson,

I am 11 years old and have read both your series “Adventures in the
Northwoods” and “Riverboat Adventures” [now Freedom Seekers] countless
times! I was so excited to find your website!! I have looked for years to
find a way to contact you and tell you how wonderful your books are! You
have such wonderful books and I admire you so much!

I live near where Kate’s
stories took place. I have gone to Superior and went to many of the sites
Kate visited in one of the books. [#7: Grandpa’s Stolen Treasure set in
Duluth, Minnesota]

Your books are so inspirational and important to me. They
have really helped me with my Christian foundation and faith, especially the
series “Riverboat Adventures.” I am so much like Libby! I can relate so much
to her. I find that every time that I read about her, I usually learn with

Thank you so much for all of the time and research that you have put
into your books. I hope that you have a blessed holiday season and may God
bless you and your family!

Jessica, Wisconsin

From Germany about Viking Quest Series

Matthias: Dear Lois, My little sister really enjoyed the first
book of the Viking Quest Series. We are from Germany, and unfortunately only
the first book ist available in german. When will the other 4 books be
translated? We are so much waiting…

Lois: I suggested the Northwoods novels because all 10 of them are
translated into German.

Matthias: Dear Lois Walfrid Johnson, Thank You for your kind
answer. Yes we know the northwood novels and they are even the favorite
books of my sister. I have recently bought the viking quest series in
english, she is willing to train her english with those books, because she
is so much interested in the content. Kind greetings from Germany, Matthias

Lois: The German publisher, CLV- Christliche Literatur, is
planning to translate the six Freedom Seeker books. Look for the first
novel, Escape into the Night, about Christmas time 2014.

Dear Lois,

I have 5 children and am always on the look out for well written,
engaging, Christian books.
I came upon your Freedom Seekers series through a
home school catalog. I purchased them for my 15 yr. old daughter who HATES to
read. I have presented her with more books than you can imagine and your series
was the 1st that she sat down and gobbled up. For a week straight she snuck into
her room and could be found reading, begging, “Please just one more chapter.”
She is a competitive swimmer and gets up at 4 am to make it to practice–early
bedtime is a must, well not last week. She was reading under her covers until
well after 11 pm and couldn’t even put your book down. Thank you so much for
writing such incredible books that appeal to teens without the overload of

You recently heard from another one of my daughters, who’s lamenting the fact
that there are no more books in the series. She asked if I thought you’d
consider writing any more. I told her best way to find out was to email you,
which she promptly did. You are a wonderful writer and she has passed your books
on to all of her friends, who can’t believe she read a book and LOVED it!!!

Blessings, sunshine, happiness, and love back to you, Lisa

I love your books! You always keep me breathless until the end. I love to
write and your books inspire me so much. Thank you! If you ever come Halifax
way, give me a shout!

From a faraway friend, Jordan    Jeremiah 29:11

Nova Scotia, Canada

Hello there!

My twin sister Wendy and I grew up in Illinois, but when we married, she
moved to the Northwoods of Wisconsin! I moved to Wichita, Kansas. The Lord
didn’t lead us to our husbands until our 30’s, but we are so blessed, and they
love the Lord.

I just wanted to share how much my sister and I enjoyed your Northwoods
books! My twin sister and I fell in love with the characters, and even named our
children Kate (my 4-month old) and her Anders (9-months old).

We always loved reading your books and even read them to our husbands on
occasion today!

My little Kate underwent open heart surgery when she was six weeks old, and is
doing wonderfully. I hope she grows up to be like your ‘Kate’… I can tell she is
a very inquisitive child already.



Hi, Lois. My name is Tim. I live in Mo. I have your riverboat series and your
north wood series and I really like them. I really like to read.

Second message from Tim:

Dear Lois,

This is Tim again. I just turnt ten 2 sundays ago. and that viking quest series
I got at the libary thats geting them in I’ve read 1 & 2 and I like them. well I
got to go. Tim

Hi I’m Olivia, I’m 12 years old, and live in Pennsylvania. I just wanted to
tell you how much I loved reading the series Viking Quest. I was very sad when
it ended. My younger sister is in the middle of reading Freedom Seekers and she
loves them. Thank you for writing such amazing stories. It’s nice to have a good
Christian book to sit down and read.



About Riverboat Adventures in new edition: The Freedom Seekers Series with
study questions in every novel

I am so happy to see the Freedom Seekers series being reprinted! I read these
books aloud to my children in their lower elementary years and we loved them. I
was so sad they were out of print. Thank you for providing quality books that
are engaging and have a solid Christian content. I am excited to tell our
friends about them!


Dear Mrs. Johnson,

Thank you for teaching me how to be a better writer. As I am reading your
books I see how well they are written and it gives me some great ideas on how to
write. I started to write a book a long time ago and it is REALLY improving. I
met you at the book signing at Heppner’s Legacy. Thank you SO much for signing
my books. I read them over and over!

…..I am getting Northwoods book number 7. And I cannot wait to read another
one of your Gr8 books!

Your number one fan,

Megan, 9

More about Freedom Seekers

Hello I am Chloe and I am 9 years old. I’m on the second book in the Freedom
Seekers series.

I am really enjoying them. Thank you so much for writing them.

Sincerely, Chloe

Viking Quest movie?

I, as well as hundreds of others, love your Viking Quest series!!! Do you
ever think that there will be a movie made of it? I would love to play Bree!!

Thanks for writing such good, Christian books!

Kelly, 14, California

Hello Mrs.Johnson! I really love your books. I have read the Viking Quest
books a thousand times over and I’m working on Freedom Seekers now. I plan to
read the Northwoods next. I also like to write. I have characters, outlines, and
story ideas. But I am having trouble starting to write. I have the middle and
end worked out but the beginning is a problem. How do you think of good story
starters? I need some help. If you can please email me back and let me know.
Thanks! 🙂


Lois answers: I think you’re doing great to have characters, outlines,
and story ideas worked out. The beginning is always the hardest. Keep thinking
about your characters and ask yourself, “What does my main character want? Then,
How can I say no?” See Writing Tips on my website,
www.LWJbooks.com for more ideas, okay?

By pure chance, I happened to come across two of your Northwoods books when I
cleaned a corner of my attic two hours ago. There’s been a lot of water under
the bridge since I read them 15 years ago when I was ten, but just looking at
the covers brought it all back. I couldn’t tell you a thing about any of the
mysteries, but I could describe when Kate met Anders, that awful first day in
school, Kate’s organ, Tina climbing out the window with Kate, Kate falling in
the ice, some anger issue with Lars, and, of course, Anders crying when he
thought Kate had died.

Thank you so much for being a part of my childhood! I used to tune out to
other family members opening their presents Christmas morning and enter the
Northwoods right there on the floor. Please, can you tell me if Kate and Erik
got married?


Hello Mrs. Johnson,

This seems so strange to find my favorite childhood author online! I was
thinking the other day about some happy memories from my childhood, and your
books crossed my mind. So I thought I would look you up online, and to my
surprise, found your site!

I grew up in a single-parent home, and my mother homeschooled my three sisters
and me. At a home school book fair she picked up a few of your Northwoods books
for me, and I couldn’t put them down. Our church library happened to have nearly
the whole series, so I checked and rechecked them, over and over. I can still
remember many of the stories by heart and can recall the mental pictures I
painted, based on your descriptive writing, of the farmhouse, of Kate and
Anders, of Kate’s mother and father, of Lars and Tina, of her schoolteacher and

I felt like the characters in the Northwoods books were my friends. What I
especially appreciated about your books is that nothing in them violated my

I related very much to Kate, and was blessed by the way the stories
communicated the way she learned to overcome her fears. As a child, I had many
fears, such as of the dark; and so I could relate to Kate and was comforted by
the underlying message of trust in God that was communicated through the books.

Children tend to try to copy or imitate what they admire, and the characters in
books hold an immense power over children that many authors do not realize.
Whatever the lead character in a book is, that is what children will think is a
standard for behavior. I am so grateful that when you created the character of
Kate, while you showed that she was human and had weaknesses to overcome, but
you did not portray her as a bad little girl who “got away” with doing blatant
wrongs. ….It makes me grateful that your books only influenced me to trust God
and learn to love others.

And further, your books never troubled me. The stories were so sweet, and
always had some kind of good resolution, so they didn’t leave me depressed or
disturbed, but rather happy.

I’m now almost 25, but I am wanting to buy the books again, and the others you
have since written, to bring me back mentally to the place and time of my life
that was so happy and peaceful. Your stories were such a bright spot of my
childhood. They were so excellently written, with such interesting and
captivating plots, characters, and settings.

May the Lord richly bless you, and may your gifted pen continue to be used to
bless multitudes!

In Christ,


Second message from Rebekah:

Dearest Mrs. Johnson,

I just returned from a month-long trip to England, Scotland, and Ireland, and
being in that beautiful setting made me especially want to get the Viking Quest
series of books you have written.

An author’s pen has so much power, and I am so glad you have continued to
write and bless so many people with your great writing ability. Thank you again
for using your gift to honor the Lord and bless so many people like myself.

I will treasure your letter and place it with the copies of my childhood
books. This coming week I plan to order your VQ books, and I know I will enjoy
reading them.

God bless you!

Love in Christ, Rebekah

Speaking from the long view — Review from a long-time reader:

The Freedom Seekers books were some of my favorites when I was growing
up. I remember staying up late to read “just one more chapter,” staying
inside even on sunny days to read, anxiously awaiting the release of each
new book. My friends dreamed of being a famous singer or actor someday
— I dreamed of being a conductor in the Underground Railroad.

I’m in my mid-twenties now, and I long ago donated my copies of the
original edition of this series to a local school library, but when I saw
that a new edition was being released, I had to pre-order and reread them
— and again find myself staying up later than I should to find out
what happens next and anxiously awaiting the release of each new book in the

Even today, I remain grateful for the influence these books had on me. I
truly feel that my dreams of becoming a part of something important —
something freedom-giving and life-saving like the Underground Railroad in
the 1800s — have come true.

Lois’ stories — so full of adventure and characters I loved
— inspired in me a love for history. And I am so grateful. In
difficult choices, or when doing the right thing becomes dangerous or
costly, I am still reminded of the characters in Lois’ books and the real
heroes throughout history, who often paid a heavy price to do the right
thing when faced with the difficult choices of their time — and who
continually did the right thing until a better world was theirs.

Through the lens of history, I believe, we are enabled to see our own
time more clearly. And by looking back at history, we can know that we are
not alone in doing what is right — we are in great company with
Underground Railroad conductors, WWII resistance fighters, William
Wilberforce, ordinary people just like us who also believed in the justice
and freedom we believe in.

The characters Lois creates are always so easy to relate to, and their
adventures so exciting and enviable, that you find yourself immediately
pulled into the story — feeling angered by what angers them, learning
how to overcome fear with conviction and courage, hoping, grieving, and
praying right alongside them. The characters are never goody-goody, but very
real and interesting with the very same struggles and frustrations we all
face. By the end of the first book, I felt as if Caleb and Libby were my
best friends — who I so badly wished would somehow leap off the page
and join me in my own real life adventures.

If you’re a kid or teen, you’ll love these books — seriously, I
still do! If you’re the parent of a kid or teen, I highly recommend you
purchase these books for your kids. You may just help inspire a future
generation of Freedom Seekers.

I.E. Kingsley, author,

To Venture All

  • sarah wrote:

    Hi, my name is Sarah, and I'm 14. I'd like to let you know how much I love your books! your book is basically the first book I've really enjoyed. I recently got covid and lost a lot of my energy and was quarantine. I read through the Viking quest series in 5 days! I have never done that. you made Bri a lot like me, I have deep brown eyes, some people say i have reddish blond hair, I love the mountains, love Jesus, and some other things. I've read freedom seekers to. ill probably read it again, I wrote this whole thing to say thank you so much for writing, and could you PLEASE write another book? God bless you! Reply
  • Lydia Lisowski wrote:

    Dear Mrs. Johnson,
    I absolutely LOVE your books! They've always been my happy place!! I love your Adventures in the Northwoods and Viking Quest series!! I've read them all multiple times!! I always felt I could relate to Kate because it's hard moving to a new place and having siblings that tease you. Also, it's hard to feel alone and the way she made me feel closer to God was awesome. Bree was amazing the way she had faith even in the darkest times!! Also, I love mysteries! Thank you for all you do!!
    Your fan,
    Lydia from Wisconsin Reply
  • Emma Feldman wrote:

    Hey, Mrs. Johnson!
    I am a homeschooled seventh grader, and I have eleven siblings! Some of my brothers and my sister have read your Viking Quest books, and we all enjoy them a lot! Thank you again for taking your time and effort to write such encouraging, adventurous, and inspiring books! You revived my passion to write a book, like I once tried, but I never published.
    I have contacted you before, and I want to ask you a few more questions about how to publish a book.
    What website did you use to design the book cover for the Viking Quest series? I am working on writing a sixth book to go with the Viking Quest books, and I can't wait to make a cover for it!
    Also, I want to make sure that you are fine with me possibly publishing a sixth book to the Viking Quest series. I totally understand if you would like for the fifth book to be the end. So no pressure at all if you would prefer me to not publish a sixth book. I appreciate what you've already written!
    Thank you so much for you hard work to show the love of Christ to those around the globe!
    Emma - Age, 13 Reply
  • Joanna Grace wrote:

    Dear Lois,
    I LOVE your books! I have read The Adventures of the Northwoods series and The Viking Quest series, and I want to read the Freedom seekers soon. :)
    I am homeschooled, and I have to write a persuasion paper. I chose to write a paper to the local library to try and convince them to buy The Adventures of the Northwoods. I love your books and I hope you may write more sometime. I can compare so much to Bree and Kate! Thank you for writing such Christian books. I love that you include the redemption of your characters. You are one of my favorite authors!
    A few of my friends and myself write stories for fun. Do you have any suggestions on a good beginning? I'm really good at making a boring first couple chapters. :p I admire you for your heart of courage to proclaim your faith in Jesus. I want to learn to write and boldly announce He is my Savior like you have!
    Your sister in Christ,
    Joanna Grace, age 12 Reply
  • Emma Feldman wrote:

    I have read the Viking Quest books twice now, and I really enjoyed them! My siblings also can not stay out of them. I would like to write a sixth book to go along with the rest of the Viking Quest books. I have written a few books already, but I did not think they were good enough to publish. Could I email you and talk to you about me writing a sixth Viking Quest Book?
    Thank you so much for your hard work in writing stories that will encourage, and give knowledge!
    Emma Reply
  • Hannah Olson wrote:

    Dear Lois Walfrid Johnson,

    I would like to thank you for writing the River Boat Adventures (Freedom Seekers series)!
    I love each book in the series! And, was drawn into the race for freedom.
    Each time I have read through the series I catch a new theme or something I had previously missed.
    There are so many good lessons and reminders in each book.

    It that moment there was something Libby knew. She turned to Caleb.
    "It takes courage to believe in God, doesn't it?"

    Your books have helped me take courage. They have helped to dispel my early misconception that being a Christian would make life easier. Also, they showed me the importance of talking about important things with people you care about; even though it can be very difficult.
    So many lessons! Thank you!

    Most of all, I appreciate the underlying theme throughout the series that expresses the importance of standing up for what is right and for what you believe in. 'Being with' Caleb, Libby, and the others who do this constantly is a great encouragement.

    Thank you for all your hard work in writing and in doing research for these stories! I greatly appreciate the historical side of them. Thank you for persevering!

    Wishing you all the best! ~ Hannah Reply
  • Janelle Stoermer wrote:

    Dear Mrs. Johnson,

    I am a 40-year-old wife, teacher and missionary. My husband and I serve with a stateside ministry fulltime (as of 2021). I grew up reading The Adventures in the Northwoods books. I was a part of a small Christian school, associated with our small, close-knit church. My friends and I read those books voraciously! We were in upper grade school during the time when they were originally published, and we couldn't wait for the next one to come out! We haunted the Christian bookstores, waiting! Our Sunday school teachers used your books as incentives and prizes for us to memorize verses! Thank you for all you put into writing this series. I still have the whole set, and I read them now and then. The characters are so well-written and believable. I always say that Kate grew up to marry Erik. My husband and I are in the process of adopting, and when we have our children, I want them to grow up reading these books! Thank you so much!
    Janelle Reply
  • Meghan Olson wrote:

    Hello Mrs. Johnson. My daughters love The North Woods series. They are 7, 6, 3, and 1. My husband and I are planning a mid-August family trip to some of the settings from your book. We are starting in Minneapolis then going to the Grantsburg area. Are there any sites or areas that you would especially recommend? Also, my husband grew up in Chassell, MI, and so his favorite story is number nine. Thank you for your input! Reply
  • Lisa wrote:

    Greetings, my 9 year old daughter and I are reading the Viking Quest series and at the end of the books it says to come to the site for study questions but I cannot find them. I've looked a couple times now. They aren't necessary as we are really enjoying the books and have some good conversations just between the two of us however we are interested in them. Where on your site would we find the study questions?

    Thanks In Advance!
    Lisa Reply
  • Merry Jo Reckeweg wrote:

    **I tried to email you on your contact page and it continually failed to send, which is why I'm posting it here.**

    We LOVE your Viking Quest series!!! We use Heart of Dakota as our homeschool curriculum, and they schedule the first 2 there, but we had to get the rest and read them! I also have Swedish ancestors and my husband has Irish ancestors, so it feels like I'm learning about what my family went through a thousand years ago.
    We just finished the Heart of Courage, and I saw at the end of the book that you say that study questions are available for the books, but when I looked on your website, I couldn't find it. Could you please tell me where to find them?
    Thank you so much for all you do!!!
    ~ Merry Jo Reckeweg Reply
  • Mia Miller wrote:

    I love your books! You are such a talented author! The Viking Quest and Northwoods series are my absolute favorite books of all time! Please write another book about when Kate and Eric get married! And another for Bree and Mikkel. (And a few kids wouldn’t hurt either:-)) I know it sounds silly and that you wrote those books a while ago, but it would mean sooooooo much to me, my sisters, and so many others. It would be like one of the best birthday presents ever! PLEEEAAASE!!!!!!!!

    I prayed that you would write more about both of them…and then I found this website where you can comment on books. Thank you for writing such amazing Christian books! Reply
  • Hannah wrote:

    Hi Lois!
    I just wanted to say, I love your books! I read the Viking quest series and I think you did an amazing job writing them and portraying the characters, and their qualities as well as each one of their characteristics. When I started reading the fist book I didn't know if I would like it, my mom got it for me, But that changed quickly, and I soon realized I was buying more and more till I had the whole series. Thank you for your great gift of writing, and always thank Jesus!
    Please let me know if you are going to write any other books.
    -Hannah Reply
  • Lea wrote:

    Hello, I'm 17 years old and I love all of your books, but especially the Viking quest series and I'm really grateful for them.

    Best wishes from Germany Reply
  • Joy wrote:

    Dear Mrs. Johnson,
    I think it is simply amazing that I can email you! I have read most all your books and am currently reading "Grandpa's Stolen Treasure". My mom read your "Riverboat Adventures" and "Viking Quest" aloud to us when my three siblings and I were little. I have loved them every time I've read them since! I admire the way you balance your characters' realistic attributes and still make them so awesome. I wish I could put that into my characters too.

    In your "Riverboat Adventure" series and your "Viking Quest" series, I've noticed a "theme"(for lack of a better word). In Libby's adventure, the "theme" was a Never-Give-Up Family; in Bree's adventure, it was Courage to Win. I was wondering if there was a "theme" like that for your Northwoods books too.

    Another question, once you got the idea for writing your first ever book, how did you organize your thoughts to put them on paper? How did you know that was what you wanted to do? How long did it take you to write your first book? Did writing get easier as you kept going? I'd love to know because I'm attempting a book myself, in the past I've written papers and reports for school, and for those I had to write an outline first. I feel like a book is different, but I don't know. My family members suggested I take a writing class, I just don't know which one. I've also wondered if it's better to wait until I'm older to begin a book.
    I'd love to get some advise from you, an experienced and amazing writer.
    Joy (14, Washington State) Reply
  • Johannes and Elias Herold wrote:

    Dear Mrs Johnson,
    thank you very much for your books. Fortunately they were translated into German. Our father read the 21 books (that are in German available) to us. We enjoyed these special hours in the evenings with Kate, Libby and Bree.
    We would be very pleased if there followed some more books of the Viking Quest (some more journeys, their wedding...)
    Yours faithfully from Germany
    Johannes and Elias Reply
  • Emma wrote:

    Dear Mrs. Johnson,

    My name is Emma and I am 9 years old. I am reading The Vanishing Footprints. When I was a little girl my mom read the whole series to me, but I don't remember that. I read the whole series when I was 7 and loved it! I am reading it again with my friends. I like the books a lot and we are going to read the Viking series, too. Thank you so much for writing these series!

    Also, does Lars really see angels in Chapter 20? Please write more stories.

    Emma Reply
  • Hannah wrote:

    Dear Mrs. Johnson,

    I am reading Adventures in Northwoods, The Disappearing Footprints. I have some questions. First, did Big Gust in real life really stay at your grandparent's house? Second, is Kate real? Third, is her family real and do they live in Wisconsin? Also, when will the baby be born?

    I love your books and maybe you could write more books. My name is Hannah and I am 10 years old and love to read. I beg my teacher to read more and more chapters. I love you.

    Hannah Reply
  • Lincoln wrote:

    Dear Mrs. Johnson,

    I am reading The Vanishing Footprints. I really like your books and hope you will keep writing more. I love the Northwoods books. I am 10 years old and love to read. Thank you so much for writing your books. I love them. I like it when Eric and Anders scare Kate and Josie.

    Lincoln Reply
  • Bethany wrote:

    Dear Mrs. Johnson,

    My name is Bethany and I really enjoy reading your books with our teacher. So far we have finished the first 3 books in Adventures in Northwoods. Now we're halfway through book 4 and I have a few questions:

    -Did Big Gust really eat at your grandma and grandpa's house?
    -What is the date and time that Kate is alive?

    I can't wait to finish this series and then the Viking series is next. Please, please, please keep writing more books!!! I really love them and when I grow up I want to write books just like you.

    Your friend,
    Bethany Reply
  • Lola Barton wrote:

    Hello, my name is Lola B,
    I am fifteen yes old and have grown up a homeschooler, I am the oldest of six children in my family. I absolutely love your books! I was twelve when my aunt and cousins gave me the first three books of the Vikings Quest series for Christmas(They are a series that all of my cousins and some friends have read and all agree they are Awesome!); since then I have read the whole series and the Freedom seekers series and the North Woods series. I absolutely love them and so does my younger sister Violet. After each of us finish reading a book we discuss the best parts of them.Whenever we get a new book of yours we stay up WAY LATER than we should unable to stop reading. You are such a talented writer, we love your plots and characters and how you put the importance in a relationship with Christ as not many books out there do. I know that you are probably busy but we would love it if you wrote more books. Do you have a favorite book that you have written?
    Thankyou for writing such wonderful encouraging books! If anyone ever asks me for a book suggestion I highly recommend your books. Reply
  • Laila Maria Kunz wrote:

    Hello Mrs. Johnson,
    I'm sixteen years old and I live in Switzerland. I'm incredibly enthusiastic about your books, although I am so old...;-) For six years, I've read countless times about Kate and her friends, Libby, Caleb, Jordan, and finally about Bree, Devin, and Mikkel, and so do my sisters and my one brother. Also, I want to say you how they have helped me to understand things better, what we have to do in difficult situations like Kate, Libby, or Bree when they had to face decisions. I learn more and more to see what's God's will for us and in this case, the books are sure a great help! And I don't have to wish to be like Bree, or one of the others, God is the same and with him, I can have the same hope and joy and faith as the people in your books!
    Now, I'm very excited about the last book of the Viking Quest, I think, it will come in german in the coming weeks, but it would be also helpful to read it in English for me...;-)
    Thank you very much and bless you Reply
  • Naomi Nichols wrote:

    Dear Mrs. Johnson, I heard about and read the Creeping Shadows when I was younger, and was immediately hooked! I have read The Adventures of the Northwoods, The Riverboat Adventures, and Viking Quest, and love all of them(Viking Quest is my favorite series)! Your books are incredible, and I love how much you use Bible verses in your books for a character to change and turn to God. Mikkel was a wonderful example!

    It has really helped me, too. In a time of struggle, I had checked out the Riverboat Adventures from the library and read the third one when I came upon 2 Corinthians 12:9. Your book was one of the four places I read that verse in, and as soon as I read that, I knew God was saying something to me. I had a sense of peace then, and I am so grateful God used you through your books to help me.

    I have loved writing books since I was seven, and am working on a chapter book currently. Funny as it may seem, I never really liked reading until I read your books. That inspired me to read and write more, and I love it. I am currently collecting your books and my sister and friend are reading them, too!

    I have one question: When you write your books, how do you stay inspired? In other words, how do you keep on going, even when you think it might all be for nothing? I am often discouraged because I know it is such a long and very involved process of writing and publishing books. I thank you so much for keeping persistence, because I really enjoy your books.

    May God bless you and your family immensely in the years to come,

    Naomi Reply
  • Moriah wrote:

    Dear Mrs. Johnson,
    I just reread your Viking Quest series, and I wanted to let you know how much my sister and I enjoy them. Thank you for writing such inspiring stories! Reply
  • Rachel Jordan wrote:

    Thanks sooo much for writing the Viking Quest series! I enjoyed them so much! I read the first book in school and just couldn’t wait for the next one. I love that it has tons of adventure! I’m always “at the edge of my seat.” It encourages me that God has a plan for me and is always with me wherever I go. I can’t wait to share it with my 9 year old brother! It is the BEST series I’ve ever read! This might be too much to ask, but can you write one more? PLEASE. —Rachel, age 11 Reply
  • Ruby wrote:

    My name is Ruby and I am thirteen. I just finished your Viking series today! Thank you for writing them! I enjoyed reading the books! PLEASE write more!!!!!! I know you are probably finished with the series, but Maybe you could write about Bree and Mikkels adventures!!!!!!! Please, please, please write more!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you for ministering to people all over the world!!! God bless you!

    Your fan,
    Ruby Reply
  • Jasmin wrote:

    I just absolutely loved the viking quest series! I could barely put down the book and I finished the whole series in a few days. Do you think you could write more viking quest books? They taught me good lessons about faith in God. Also the characters feel so real! Though I was so happy when:
    #1 they found keely
    And ...
    #2 when bree found the purpose of why she was taken
    #3 when mikkel became Christian
    And lastly...
    #4 when mikkel and bree were to be married

    Keep on writing!
    The anonymous girl Reply
  • Eleah wrote:

    Dear Lois Walfrid Johnson,
    I'm a 15 year old girl from Austria and I totally love your books. It was so nice to read them! All this books (especially Adventures of the Northwoods) are among my favourite books.
    I read all the books of "The Freedom Seekers", "Adventures of the Northwoods" and "Viking Quest" and I'm very sad, that there are only 6 volumes of Freedom Seekers and only 5 volumes of Viking Quest! Furthermore, the fifth volume of viking quest has not yet been translated into german - I am already curious how it will continue.
    Thanks for all your books, they have encouraged me many times.
    God bless you and your family,
    Eleah Reply
  • Eleah wrote:

    Dear Lois Walfrid Johnson,
    I'm a 15 year old girl from Austria and I totally love your books. It was so nice to read them! All this books (especially Adventures of the Northwoods) are among my favourite books.
    I read all the books of "The Freedom Seekers", "Adventures of the Northwoods" and "Viking Quest" and I'm very sad, that there are only 6 volumes of Freedom Seekers and only 5 volumes of Vinking Quest! Furthermore, the fifth volume of viking quest has not yet been translated into german - I am already curious how it will continue.
    Thanks for all your books, they have encouraged me many times.
    God bless you and your family,
    Eleah Reply
  • Tanja Ballmer wrote:

    Dear Lois,

    We love your books-series! I read through all of them within only some weeks time for myself. In the meantime I started reading them to my kids (9 and 6). Last week we started with the second series and my husband joined the kids listening to me reading them. ;)
    As we are homeschoolers I made worksheets for my 9-year-old about the freedom-seekers series.
    As book five of the viking quest series was not yet available in German and I had to know how the story ended I bought it in English. At the end of the book you mention study questions. Now besides telling you what others told you before - that your books are great and we are grateful for the writing-skills God gifted you with! - I wanted to ask whether you already have study questions available for the Adventure of the northwoods series (or best - for any or all of the three series). If so, I wasn't able to find them on your homepage. And if not it's no problem - I'll think for myself. :)

    Thank you for a short answer if you find the time and thanks again for those great stories!

    Blessings from Switzerland, Tanja Reply
  • Hannah wrote:

    Dear Mrs. Johnson,
    I love your books! When I read them I feel like I am really there with Devin, Bree, Mikkel and all the other characters! I love how a Bree is a Christian and all the wonderful miracles that happen in your books, I hope to eventually read the Freedom Seekers series!

    Love Hannah
    Age 12 Reply
  • KyLee Woodley wrote:

    Hello Lois,

    I read your amazing books as a child and then later read them to my children. Your books meant so much to me growing up.

    I'm looking through fiction books for my children who are 10, 12, and 14 now, and I find myself wishing you had more books out. I so love those already in print, but I was wondering if you have thought about releasing second editions to them with new covers and rewrites for the style of writing we currently have.

    If you do, please let me know. I think the up and coming generations could greatly profit from the high quality of moral fiction you produce, also, with so many children currently, long-distance learning homeschooling is growing in prevalence, and your books always sold so well in the homeschool community.

    If there is anything I can do to help, I would love to be a part of this project. You probably have connections in the publishing industry, but indie publishing is big right now and since you've probably got the rights back to your series, that might be a viable option as well.

    Praying for you.

    KyLee Woodley Reply
  • Kayla McKee wrote:

    Dear Mrs. Lois,
    My name is Kayla, I am 14 and I live in California. I have read both the Viking Quest series and Freedom Seekers series. All of them are some of my favorite books. I love how much detail you give the characters I feel like I know them myself and they are some of my closest friends. Whenever I read your books I feel like I can hear their voices and see their faces. I really like how the characters go through struggles just like any other Christian would and they aren't perfect (like in other Christian books I've read) and I feel like I can really relate to the characters. I love how there are so many emotions in your books the whole time I'm reading I am laughing or crying or smiling. Your books are great works of art. I think that both Freedom Seekers and Viking Quest would make very good movies/tv shows. I am hoping to read more of your books whenever I can. I thank you for making these amazing books they have really helped me become a better Christian. You are defiantly one of my favorite authors.
    Kayla McKee Reply
  • Abigail wrote:

    Dear Mrs. Johnson,
    I love your books! I’ve read your “Adventures of the Northwoods”, “Riverboat Adventures”, and “Viking Quest” series’s. My personal favorite is the “Adventures of the Northwoods” because the storyline takes place in Wisconsin, which is where I am from, and I feel like I can relate to Kate, Anders, and the rest of the characters the most. I’ve read each of the “Adventures of the Northwoods” books 4 times, the “Riverboat Adventures” books twice, and I’ve only read each of the “Viking Quest” books once. Personally, I think all of your books are very encouraging and I love how you bring Christianity into each story. You’ve inspired me to want to become an author when I get older. Believe it or not, I’ve written an eleventh book for the “Adventures of the Northwoods” series (for fun and because I wish there were more books!) and I’m working on a twelfth right now! I would love to share my stories with you if possible. Thank you so much for sharing your books with all of us. God bless.
    ~Abigail Reply
  • Malena wrote:

    Dear Lois, I am Malena (13) from Spain. I love your books. You´re my by all means my favorite author. I wanted to ask you, if you want to be my penfriend. I speak spanish and german. If you speak one of those language we could write to each other in that language. I am going to write you back if you respond.
    I wish that your books were in spanish, too, to give away to my friends. There are so few good christian books in spanish.
    God bless you, yours Malena Reply
  • Vanessa wrote:

    Dear Lois,
    My name is Vanessa. I'm eleven years old. I'm in seventh grade, and I am homeschooled. I live in Pennsylvania. When I have free time I read your books, or read them to my little brother. I have the whole Adventures in Northwoods series. I love your books! Sometimes I pretend I'm Kate solving mysteries. I have read the first two, and am reading the third now.
    I also write stories. One is about slaves. I saw you do too! Most of my books are based in the 1800's. Are you still writing books? Thank you for all you do, and for writing amazing books!
    Vanessa Reply
  • Jill wrote:

    Dear Mrs. Johnson,
    Thank you for writing such fun and exciting books! We have been reading the Viking Quest series as a family and really enjoyed them! We just started the Raider's Promise and are anxious to see what happens and how the story ends! Thanks again!
    Jill Reply
  • Eunike Noemi Förster wrote:

    Dear Mrs. Louis Walfrid Johnson, Laufdorf, den 09.08.2020

    I'm nine years old and I live in Germany.
    I read "Adventure of the Nordwoods" ,
    and now I'm reading "the Freedom Seekers" #4,
    "The Swindler's Treasure".
    I love your books! The books are my style.
    I want to know, does the secret network in the
    "Freedom Seekers books" really exist ?

    Best regards,
    [Eunike] Noemi Förster Reply
  • Maggie K. wrote:

    Dear Mrs. Lois, my name is Maggie and I am from Tennessee. I recently read your series called Adventures of the Northwoods. I have immensely enjoyed them, and I find myself not able to put the books down when I am finished reading each one. I was wondering if you could write an additional book to the series because I am saddened to end it already. If you are able to do this, I will purchase it right away!!
    Yours Sincerely,
    Maggie (age 11) Reply
  • Stephanie Johnson wrote:

    Dear Mrs. Johnson,
    I LOVE your books SO much!!! They are my FAVOURITE books!!!!
    I have read the North woods series and the Freedom seekers series and the Viking quest series all at least three times!!! I wanted to ask you if you are writing more I think continuing the Freedom seekers series would be great! I love how you have mystery and adventure and christian values all in all of your books!! Thank you SO much for writing these, they are encouraging books that challenge the readers to live with faith and courage and to trust God. So again just thank you so much Mrs. Johnson for writing these books. And I hope you write more, continuing series or new series. -From Stephanie age 14 in Australia Reply
  • Kate Malloy wrote:

    Dear Mrs. Johnson,
    Thank you for using your gifts to write such inspiring books! The Adventures of the Northwoods were my absolute favorites growing up. I recently purchased Raiders from the Sea for my kids, and I’m wondering if I got a defective copy of the book. It ends on page 191, with, “Somewhere a dog barked.” My kids were shocked at the cliffhanger. I’ve already ordered the second book in the series, but am very curious to know if there’s more to the first one! Thanks for your attention!
    God bless!
    Kate Reply
  • Naomi wrote:

    Hello Mrs. Walfrid Johnson,
    My name is Naomi. I am eight years old. I have read the entire Viking Quest series, and I really like the series! When I finished The Raider's Promise, I wanted to keep on reading the books, but there are no other books in the Viking Quest series after book five. I would really like it if you could maybe write a sixth book. Reply
  • Arialle-Lily wrote:

    Dear Lois,

    First of I want to thank you for writing books that carry such a strong and powerful message of Christ in each and every one!
    I first read your ‘Viking quest series’ when I was fourteen. Now I am turning seventeen and I still read them and I fact I have just finished the first of the ‘Freedom seekers’ books today.

    You have a way of writing that enthrals the reader and makes them feel as if they are learning as well as the people in the book!
    Mikkel, Dev, Bree, it has been like they have become my friends ever since I read the books! I love them so much and am so inspired by you! And now I can add, Libby, Caleb, and Jordan to the list of friends!
    I relate the most to Bree out of all your books, and every day I learn just as she did even the most basics of things!
    Those books have taught me the most, about Trusting our lives to Jesus and knowing he has a plan and that no matter who or where we are we have the job to share Jesus and that we can live with a heart of courage because of who Jesus is through us.

    I wish I had known of these books when I was younger because I would have lapped them up even sooner! But I am thankful for them now even in my late teens!

    Your books reach even those over and beyond the suggested age rate Lois!
    Tusen Takk for all you do!

    Love Arialle from the United Kingdom. Reply
  • Jessica wrote:

    Dear Lois Walfrid Johnson!
    I really enjoyed your book series! Kate inspires me and generally the whole story is wonderful! Could you continue the series ..? It would be so great! Reply
  • Eleah wrote:

    Dear Lois Waldfrid Johnson,
    I'm from Austria and I have read all the books of the Adventures of the Northwoods Series. I really love them! When I read one of these books I can empathize with the characters. I like Erik the most and it would be fantastic if you continued writing this book series. It also helped me a lot with my faith and I found many answers to my questions! I don't know many books that are as good as yours and I totally love them! Thanks for all the books you have written and I hope that you'll have time and joy to continue the series.
    Kind regards and God's blessing,
    Eleah, 14 Reply
  • Anja Schellenberg wrote:

    Dear Mrs. Johnson,

    I`m a mother of a 13jears old boy. We read all books about Caleb and Libby.
    Now my Questions: Will there be more books about them? How will they find together? What will Mrs. Berg teach Libby how to be a wife? What will the captain teach Caleb how to be a husband? In the bible there are a lot of good answers, but there are less books for young persons with this good answers. I will be very glad if there will be one more good book.

    With best wishes, be blessed in our Lord,

    Anja Schellenberg Reply
  • LeAnna wrote:

    I have been reading your Adventures of the Northwoods series to my 6 and 5 year old almost every night. We are on book 9 and we're so sad that we're almost done with our "Kate books" (as my boys call them). Living in WI, it has been so fun to read this series! These books were actually mu husbands when he was a child, so it's been fun to pass them along to our kids. Reply
  • Hannah wrote:

    Mrs. Johnson,
    Thank you sooo much for writing the Viking Quest series and for giving me and my brother a learning experience! I devour history books like many of my friends and when one of them recommended your series to me, I was more than excited to try more historical fiction. My friend let me borrow the first book, but that wasn't enough for me! After reading Raiders from the Sea, I got the whole series for myself. I blazed through the second and third books and finished the fourth in about six hours. By the time I had almost finished the third, my brother, Royce, was wondering what I was doing up in my room all afternoon. I had shared a little of the first book with him already, and when I caught him hiding away and reading The Mystery of the Silver Coins, I knew he was hooked! That's when competition set in. It was a race between Royce and I to find out what would happen to Mikkel at the very end. It even came to reading until midnight to finish a book. We smuggled them downstairs to read underneath the table at breakfast. Royce even stole the fourth book into his room after I went to sleep! We really enjoyed talking about it all after we both finished The Raider's Promise. We both appreciate how you illustrated Mikkel's character before (self-centered, entitled, despairing) and after (controlling himself, showing humility, exercising forgiveness) he came to the Lord. We also liked the fact that both Bree and her family trusted God's plan and His faithfulness through trials. Royce and I are only a year and a half apart so we're real close friends. Which brings me to especially thank you for making the brother/sister bond between Bree and Devin so deeply rooted in the Christian faith. It's given us a picture of agape love and family faithfulness for us to follow. Both of us are thankful that the Lord has worked through your books.
    I also do a little creative writing. I write about characters in my imagination that exist anywhere from 1620 to 1940. You've now inspired me to write about the Vikings, too! Isn't it fun to find just the right words to explain your characters feelings? When I read, I see a complete movie in my brain with music and flashbacks and everything! It was especially fun to do that with your books!
    Did you write during your childhood?
    Thank you once again for ministering to young minds like ours, for taking the time to answer questions, and for teaching us that even if we don't feel like LOVING or FORGIVING that the Holy Spirit will give us COURAGE to do so if we ask and trust. These are turbulent times for teenagers; we're often confused when we don't have God's truth to hold on to. That is why Royce and I thank you for being "a light to the nations!" (Thank YOU, Lord!)

    - sincerely, Hannah God bless you! Reply
  • Christine Mangis wrote:

    Hi Mrs Walfrid Johnson, I'm writing to let you know, I dearly enjoyed your Viking Quest series, please PLEASE write more, just one or two :) Reply
  • Christine Mangis wrote:

    Hi! I am writing about your Viking quest series. I must say, I loved it! It was amazing, when I finished the last book I was so sad! I just wish it could go on forever! Sincerely Christine M Reply
  • Christa Wurst wrote:

    Dear Lois,

    we are a Christian Family with tree Children who lives in Switzerland. We read your books "Adventure of Northwoods" and enjoyed it very, very much! They are so exciting and detailed discribed the area and the people that we almost lived in the northwood :-) …. and with it's people.

    Thank you for this precious books, who showed so much about the relationships between people, the worth of waiting for the right husband / maid, the valuable of a family and the belief in God, who created us all.

    We read it in German, because our English is not very well … so we always have to wait, until a book is translated into German :-) …

    Thanks a lot for your work and God's blessing for your daily life!

    warmly Greetings from Switzerland

    Family Wurst Reply
  • Blair Bryant wrote:

    I just read Trouble at Wild River, and it was excellent! The story is so well-told and exciting. I look forward to reading more of your works. Great job!

    God bless,
    Blair Bryant
    North Carolina Reply
  • Alaina Decker wrote:

    Hi my name is Alaina and I wrote to ask you to write more books after book 5. I think your books are so cool! I could read them 10 times in a row each.I love your Viking Quest books! My favorite character is Bree. - Alaina Reply
  • Kristyn Letkeman wrote:

    I read your series The Riverboat Adventures when I was a child. I really like the story and would love to see the story continue in a book for adults. Reply
  • Christina wrote:

    Hi Mrs. Johnson. I love your Adventures in the north woods and was just hoping for another one, no offense. I absolutely love your books. Thank you. Reply
  • Brooklyn G. wrote:

    I am in 4th grade and enjoyed reading all of your Northwoods books. Could I please have your contact information so that I could share some of my ideas about another Northwoods book? I really wish you would write more books. Ever since I started your series I've been reading them every chance I have.

    Brooklyn Reply
  • Christina Libby wrote:

    I absolutely love your books. My top 3 fav authors are : Lois Walfrid Johnson (Adventures of the north woods) , Richard Adams (Watership down) , and C.S. Lewis (Chronicles of Narnia), as you can see, you are on the top, you are my fav author. I know you get these messages ALL the time, and they practically say the same thing, i mean it differently, they changed my life. I am now a Christian of God. Thank you for changing my life,

    With love to my fav author, Christina. Reply
  • Laurel V wrote:

    Hi my name is Laurel and i was wondering if you will continue the Adventures of the Northwoods series? I love them and hope you will continue them! Reply
  • Christina Libby wrote:

    I am 11 years old, and a huge fan of the North-woods adventures and riverboat Adventures. They have brought me closer to God! You are my favorite author. I have read your books over and over many times! I love the slight romance in the Adventures in the North Woods! I just can't say enough! Reply
  • Greta wrote:

    I absolutely love your Viking Quest books, especially book 5: The Raiders Promise. I love how the characters trust in God to get through hard times. I also love how Bree teaches Mikkel to keep his promises and to be kind to everyone. My favorite part of book 5 is when Bree and Devin get set free. Another one of my favorite parts of the series is when Bree gives her freedom to Keely. She's so kind.
    I have few questions about you and your books:

    1: How /When did you come up with the ideas for Viking Quest? All the thinking was definitely worth it!
    2: How long did it take you to write the first draft of all of the books (separately)?
    3: What is your favorite book that you've written?
    I'm in fourth grade at Grace Lutheran school in River Forest which is near Chicago.

    Your # 1 fan ,
    Greta Lyle Reply
  • Kate Parker wrote:

    Mrs. Walfrid Johnson, thank you so much for writing such fantastic books! I have read your Viking Quest books, your Adventures of the Northwoods series, started your Freedom Seekers books, and loved them all! I would love it if you would write a series set in the Middle Ages. Something I really like about your books is how they have both excitement and the gospel in them. Books like that are not easy to find these days. Thank you, Kate. Reply
  • jim gordon wrote:

    Ms. Lois, I am a Board Member with the River Road African American Museum (RRAAM) www.africanamericanmuseum.org in Donaldsonville (Ascension Parish) LA and would love to include your 6 Volume Freedom Seekers in a 2020 project I am working on about Jockey Abe Hawkins and the National Museum Racing Hall of Fame Induction Class..looking forward to touching base with you..thanks Jim G Reply
  • jim gordon wrote:

    Lois, I would love to have your 6 Volume Freedom Seekers included on a project I am working on as a Board Member for the River Road African Museum (RRAAM) www.africanamericanmuseum.org in Donaldsonville (Ascension Parish) L thanks Jim G Reply
  • Amy wrote:

    Hi Lois,

    I am a 22-year-old aspiring author from Minnesota, and I can't tell you how much I enjoy your books––especially the Viking Quest series!

    I only discovered the series a few years ago, at a MACHÉ conference, and of course at the time I was "too old" to read them. But I bought one for my younger sister, and both of us were absolutely hooked.

    I can't tell you enough how heartening it is to see a Christian author published internationally––and one who creates authentic, abiding fiction. I think it is truly rare! I currently aspire to write YA or contemporary fiction from a Christian perspective, and hope I can do it justice as you have.

    Thank you for sharing beauty and truth with the world!

    Amy Reply
  • Kira Chapman wrote:

    Dear Mrs. Johnson,

    I am 11 years old, and I love the Viking Quest Series! Each time I read the books I am encouraged in my faith. If I read the first book, it won't be long before I have finished the whole series again! I love Bree and Devin's adventures and how Mikkel becomes a Christian in Heart of Courage. I also love how Bree and Mikkel agree to get married at the end. Thank you so much for writing the Viking Quest Series!

    Kira Chapman-Fresno, California Reply
  • Iona wrote:

    27 September 2018

    Dear Mrs. Johnson,

    My name is Iona. I am 15 years old and homeschooled.
    I am writing to tell you how much I absolutely LOVE your books. The first one I read of yours was Raiders from the Sea, when I was 11. I was hooked from the first page and I loved every single sentence (I still do!). I have always had an interest in stories set in Ireland and Norway, and I love how your books are educational without making them any less exciting. I couldn’t wait to share the Viking Quest books with my younger sister, and when she started reading them too, we would have many a long conversation about the amazing plots and brilliant, realistic characters, often filled with squeals of joy and book-hugging.
    Bree, Devon and Mikkel are some of my favourite book characters of all time! They aren’t copy-and-paste, cliche ridden characters who never do anything wrong, they are so intriguing, unique, lovable, so real, and they have a story, a past and a future. I love how they all have their own struggles and how they handle things: talking to God when they need help and even when they don’t. Watching them grow in character and Faith is real and inspiring, and whenever I read one of your books I am encouraged to trust in God more and more.
    In your Freedom Seekers series, like Viking Quest, I can read the books over and over and and never grow tired of them. Libby, Caleb, Jordan (and later Peter) are my other favourite book characters! Escape into the Night, Race for Freedom, and the other Freedom Seekers books draw you right into the time period and place, and unanswered questions and exciting plots hook you in every time. All the intriguing characters, mystery, excitement and educational and Christian value make your books an amazing, five-star read for anyone.
    The Freedom Seekers and Viking Quest books have the pride of place in my bookshelf, and I can’t wait to share them with my other younger siblings. Your books are just so good!
    I have read the first Adventures in the Northwoods book and really enjoyed it. It was intriguing and had a real sense of family. I am looking forward to reading the next ones!
    Every time I read one of your books (which is quite frequently) I am reminded of what an amazing blessing your books are. It can be hard to find good quality, clean, Christian books that are interesting and educational, and that’s exactly what you have achieved with your books. You write books that readers get excited about and can’t put down. I should know!
    It must of been so fun to write Bree, Libby, and your other character’s stories. I love writing and want to be an author, and your books are an inspiration to me. Do you remember the moment the character of Libby first formed in your mind? Was she different than how she is portrayed now? When did you first come up with the idea for Viking Quest and Adventures in the Northwoods?
    Thank you SO much for writing these amazing books. You are a truly talented author. I would love to see a series following the adventures of a family in the Gold Rush era, an immigrant family or a group of siblings on the Orphan Train. Any other books you write, I will definitely be reading!


    England, UK Reply
  • Alanna Koehler wrote:

    Dear Mrs. Johnson!

    I started out reading the first book of the “Viking Quest” series in middle school. It wasn’t until my later years in high school that I realized there were more books in the series (I only owned the first one and had reread it many times by this point). In my first year of college, I ordered the entire rest of the series, and blazed through the books probably within a few weeks.

    I can’t begin to describe how much I love this series, and how special it is to me. I first identified with Bree, specifically, her wanderlust, strong-willed personality, and her trust-filled relationship with Jesus. I soon fell in love with all the characters and the beautiful places described in the book. By the last page at end of the series, you had me in tears of happiness. Everything unfolded exactly how I imagined and wanted things to, which oftentimes can be rare when it comes to books or movies. I also calculated the time elapsed in the books and compared that to how long it took me to finish the series in my own life-5 years. When I realized this, I really couldn’t believe it; the timing just made this journey that much sweeter. “Viking Quest” has truly been my favorite reading experience ever.

    I’m 22 now, and I can honestly say that this is my favorite book series. As I am rereading the series-yet again (I’m in the second book as I write this), I am filled with joy, wonderment, and gratefulness to an author that I feel I’ve been close to for some time. I’m glad I found your website as I wanted the chance to tell you personally; thank you for taking me, and so many other people, along with you in this captivating and heart-warming adventure.

    God bless you and your family!

    Love, Alanna Koehler

    P.S. As with any book series that I fall in love with, I get to wondering if it will ever be made into a movie. Is that a possibility?? Although it will be close to impossible to measure up to what I’ve created in my head all these years. Still would love to see these books come to life on the screen! :) Reply
  • Sandrina wrote:

    I love your books :-)
    I tried to write to you on the contact page but it wasn't working. Reply
  • Kailey Lawrence wrote:

    I wanted to thank you for your Viking Quest Series. They are among some of my favorite books! The characters felt very real and the story was heartwarming and encouraging. I especially appreciated how Bree's Christian example influenced the people around her, and she wasn't afraid to display her faith. My favorites were "Raiders from the Sea" and "The Raider's Promise". I really want to write books myself, and wondered if you had any personal advice to share. Thanks again! Reply
  • Nelly wrote:

    Dear Lois Walfrid Johnson,
    I´ve read all 10 books of " Abenteuer Wälder" twice and I love them! They are my favorite books! Now I´m reading the books of " Der Abenteuer Fluss" and I really like them, too. Please write more books of " Der Abenteuer Fluss" or new books because after three days I have read one book of you and soon I will have nothing to read! Thanks for these great books!
    Nelly Reply
  • Michal Garza wrote:

    Hello, Mrs. Johnson! I just wanted to tell you that I absolutely love your Viking Quest Series and they have had such a big impact on my life. I remember my mom reading the series aloud to me when I was about nine, and though I am nineteen now, I have the same love for the books and never get tired of them! The Viking Quest Series what inspired me to want to become a writer, and years later, I am very close to finishing my first novel! Thank you so much for sharing Bree and Mikkel's story with the world.

    I was also curious about how the characters and story first came to your mind. Once you had the idea, did you outline it before you started writing? How did you decide on each characters' personality and the arc that would develop for them over the course of the series?

    Also, would you ever consider continuing the Viking Quest series or perhaps writing about Bree and Mikkel's life after the fifth one for a more young adult audience? There is still so much I would love to know about the Viking Quest characters and also maybe explore them and their world a little more in depth than what could be written in a more children's literature based book.
    I know that the young adult genre is very big right now, and while there are many good books in that genre, there is a big need for books with meaning that send life giving messages to the teen/young adult audience. I admire how your books do this so well!

    Whether you continue to write or not, I will always be thankful for the inspiration and passion that your writing has sparked within me. God is using your books to touch readers around the world, and you truly are an amazing storyteller! Thank you! Reply
  • Rachel wrote:

    Hello, Mrs Johnson!
    I have thoroughly enjoyed your books for years. Around 2012 I read your VQS three times in one year. It truly is one of my favorite series ever--and I like to think that I'm a fairly prolific reader. :-) Bree, Devin, and Mikkel have truly come alive for me...when I'm reading about them I feel as if I'm there, with them. It is an incredible gift you have and an inspiration to me!

    I am somewhat of a writer...it takes a lot of practice, as I'm sure you found out. :-) I would like to be able to write or email you to ask for an occasional writing tip... may I do that, and if so, how?

    Quick question; is Mikkel's name said like MIK-el or Mi-KEL? I've never been sure. :-)

    Again, thank you for the VQS and the Northwoods books they are some of my favorites. I haven't read the whole Freedom Seekers series yet, but I hope to!!

    Please keep writing! You have a God-given gift. Please keep using it!

    Age 17 Reply
  • Alyssa (12) and her Aunt Sarah (42) from Maine wrote:

    We've never written a fan letter before, but we decided today that we must find some way to be in touch - and we found this contact information online! You are absolutely our favorite fiction writer and we are totally wild about your Viking Quest Series! We love the way you make things happen the way they really would - rather than just the way they " should" - we also love the way you make faith and trust in God a real part of the way the characters think and feel - and they aren't perfect characters - just like real life! I (Aunt Sarah) am not usually a fiction fan, but yours is superb! I (Alyssa) have also read the Northwoods Adventures and Riverboat Adventures and really enjoyed those, too! Your books are fascinating, come alive, and make us feel like we are in them!

    Right now, we are eagerly preparing to read the final book in the Viking Quest series - still on edge, wondering what will happen! We know it will be good - because you wrote it and you never disappoint us! Lots of our family and friends are into your books - we pass them around and around! Reply
  • Caroline wrote:

    Dear Lois!
    I just want to ask if anybody is already translating your book: "Girl talk- 52 weekly devotions"to german.
    I read it in english a few years ago and used some storys and questions in our young-girls-club. Now I have an other urgent need to discuss these themes. There are so important things in it, I really would like to have this book translated. Maybe it already is? Please tell me. Thank you so much! Reply
  • Helene wrote:

    Dear Lois Walfrid Johnson,

    First of all: I love youre books, especially the Adventures of Northwoods Series. I just love how Kate becomes a young and godly women and how God works in her life.
    I have red the books so many times know and every time they inspire me in a new way to live my life for God and put his will before mine.

    Although it has already been over 20 years since you wrote the last book of this series, but are you planning or have you ever thought about continuing the Adventures of Northwoods series?

    Thank you for youre books. May God bless you!
    Greetings from Germany, Helene Reply
  • Haley Kay Searls wrote:

    Thank you for writing faith filled books!
    I can visualize the places in Grandpa's Stolen Treasure because I live on the North Shore.
    I really like The Raider's Promise. I have a question- can you write a short story ending to what happens when Mikkel returns to Norway to try to free those he captured? Reply
  • Faith V wrote:

    Dear Lois Johnson,
    I am eight and I love the Viking Quest series. They were the best books I have ever read. I'm thinking about reading Freedom Seekers. Out of all the books you have written what is your favorite? My older sister read the Viking Quest series before me and she thought they were good. When I was looking for a chapter book to read she suggested the first book of the Viking Quest series. So I read it and I loved it and I read the rest of the books too. When I was done reading them I wished there was a six, seven, eight, nine, and 10 book! When I was reading the series I would finish a chapter and it will leave me hanging so I would have to read another chapter. But then that chapter would leave me hanging! I adore the Viking quest series.
    Faith V
    Massachusetts, USA Reply
  • Rachel wrote:

    Thank you so much for your books. Bree and Mikkel are some of my favorite characters ever. They are so real and down-to-earth...I feel as if they are there with me. How I wish they were!
    I know it's common for you to get emails from kids who are begging you to write more. I believe you did a wonderful job writing and ending the Viking Quest books; as much as o love them, I wouldn't want them changed. But what about Anders, Kate and Erik? Could you do a trilogy--"Return to the Northwoods"--about them, except perhaps set a few years later? You don't even have to settle the whole "Erik and Kate" question; we just want more about them! :-)
    I have read the first book in the Freedom Seekers series and hope to read the rest. Don't stop writing, please! Good books are hard to come by. You are filling the need for wholesome, awesome novels. Thank you!!!!!
    Rachel, age 16
    Nebraska Reply
  • Rachel wrote:

    I just wanted to say THANK YOU for introducing me to Bree, Devin, and Mikkel....they are some of my favorite characters ever. I've read the VQS at least five times, and with each ending I feel as if I've lost my best friends. If you ever start missing them as much as I do.....know that I will absolutely read more about them!
    And as for Anders, Erik, and Kate....please write more about them!! Even just one book, set several years later. I have nine siblings and I am reading the Northwoods books to my little brothers, and they love it.
    Thank you for writing. There is a shortage of really good books, and you have helped to fill the gap.
    Go with God...
    Rachel, age 16 Reply
  • Keziah Elizabeth wrote:

    Dear Miss Lois,

    I absolutely adore The Freedom Seeker Series, Adventures of the Northwoods and The Viking Quest Series. I love how you put romance, action and faith all in one series! I wish that I could have a special friend like Caleb, Erik or M.R, but I know that God has plans for me! I love writing, and have just finished my own novel. (I'm 13, by the way) I wish that I could meet you, sometimes! I bet that you have tons of stories of when you were growing up. What was it like, during World War ll? I love studying about World War ll.
    Much love to you,

    Keziah Reply
  • Rose wrote:

    Thanks you soooo much for writing The Adventures of the Northwood. I love Eric, Anders, and Kate. They never grow old.Sometimes when I read them I forget what time it is and stay up late reading them.
    I also have read The Viking Quest, And the Freedom Seekers all are great books :)
    You are my favorite author!

    Rose Reply
  • Linda Miller wrote:

    Hi There!! We love your books, for the first time I don't have to urge my student to read. We love that its so unpredictable. I read all your series when I was younger. To unwind I'm reading them again,and we're able to discuss times and places ,we've also researched some of the topics in your books. I really like how you teach through your writing. What books and authors do you recommend that are very close to your style of writing? We love mysteries!!We wish you wrote hundreds of series. Thank you!! Thank you!!
    ---Linda Reply
  • Elizabeth wrote:

    Hi Mrs. Johnson,
    I love your books! I love rereading them and living the story all over again. :) I was wondering if you were planning on writing any other book series?
    -Elizabeth Reply
  • Laura Dück wrote:

    Dear mrs. Johnson,
    My Name is L aura . I'm eleven years old and I live in Germany. I love your books adventure north - woods. Kate is a nice girl. I like the old time, because it's really interesting to read about it. You are my favorite author. Please write another books of adventure north-woods,because it's pity that your books end.

    Love : Laura Reply
  • Gabrielle Lee wrote:

    I just wanted to say that I love your books so much! Even as a 21 year old I find your books completely engrossing. And as a christian I love the way you weave biblical truths and scriptures into the story.
    You are on my favorite author list! Reply
  • Josie Anne wrote:

    Dear Mrs. Johnson,
    I LOVE your writing! The Viking Quest are my top favorite books. The Freedom Seekers place second. I have not read the Adventures of the Northwoods, but I hope to someday. Your books encourage me in my life and I have read them over and over. One of the things I like in how you write is how each chapter ends with a cliff hanger! My sister Suzannah and I would beg our mom to keep reading each night. Often she was just as eager as we were, even though it would be getting late. Four of our friends also have read Viking Quest and all have loved it. If I could choose a series to be made into a movie, I would choose the Viking Quest! I love how in your books God used even the terrible things in Bree's life for good; and for her to be a light to the nations. This thought encourages me when anything hard happens in my life. I can't thank you enough for being a light in this way and writing incredible Christian books for children, (not to mention teenagers and also adults) all over. Another thing I like about your books is that they are set in a time that there isn't much fiction about. I had never really thought about the Viking times but know I find it a very exciting time period. I am writing stories now and you are a great inspiration to me! Josie Anne age 12. Reply
    • lwj wrote:

      What fun it is to hear from you, Josie! Big thanks for all the great things you've told me.
      I'm so glad that my books have been both fun and helpful to you! You're already writing well
      by the way you explain things!

      Love and hugs-- Lois Reply
  • visit site wrote:

    I just want to tell you that I am just newbie to weblog and really enjoyed your blog. More than likely I’m likely to bookmark your site . You actually come with fantastic posts. Kudos for sharing with us your blog. Reply
  • Jasmine Matulewicz wrote:

    Dear Mrs. Johnson
    I love your VIKING QUEST SERIES !!!!!!!!!! I have read all five books , and I love how
    Bree and Dev always go to God. I am alot like Bree, and I love her character.
    Tusen Takk for writing these books!
    My (biological) father is Lithuanian and English. So I like any books about Irish, English,
    or Slavic people. Are there more than just five books in the VIKING QUEST SERIES??

    Tusen Takk again for writing these books!!!!!
    You have a of talent . God Bless You and Keep You.
    In Christ ,

    Jasmine,11,New Jersey ,US Reply
  • Pam wrote:

    Thank you for your well-written, captivating books. I am on the second book in the NW Woods series, using it with a 5th grade reading learning disabled student. I love that the mysteries and secrets pull my student along. One suggestion,though, from that LD perspective - it wouldn't make much difference in the length of the chapters if there were no hyphenated words. They are a non-issue for most kids, but an LD kid has to struggle with not only the syllabic division, but taking the eye to the next line. Just a thought. God bless! Reply
    • lwj wrote:

      Thanks for writing, and I deeply appreciate what you are doing. Because my husband is also a teacher I value your comment. But I don't know how to change a story to no hyphenation. It becomes an editing problem--the amount of room on a published line is automatic as far as I know.

      Sorry-- but and I hope you keep on keeping on, okay?

      Bless you, Friend! Lois Reply
  • Keziah wrote:

    Dear Lois, my name is Keziah. I just got done reading your VQ series and I love them they are my favorite books! I know you have been asked this question a lot but I thought to let you know that it would be absolutely awesome if you would add on to the books. It was sad for me to see them end! They are really encouraging and make me think a lot about my own life and how I live it for the Lord. I know that you must have a lot of things to do but I will pray that you get some spare time:)

    God Bless you forever the lord be with you!
    ~Love Keziah! Reply
  • Mirjam wrote:

    Dear Mrs Johnson,
    I live in Germany and I´m 15 years old. I like your books so much.
    Especially the Adventures of the Northwoods.
    When I had read all 10 books, I was so sad that I just decided to write the eleventh book. I have little time, so I'm only about 40 pages. I wish it would be as good as yours.
    Especially great I would find when the Adventures of the Northwoods books would be filmed. I would have a great title song: Tennessee by Pearl Harbor. But I know, that you can´t use it, because it`s for the film Pearl Harbor.
    I have a question, would you write even more books of the series Adventures of the Northwoods?
    I would be very happy if you write me back soon.
    I wish you God's blessing and protection.
    Greetings Mirjam.

    Hi Mirjam--
    I'm delighted to hear from you in Germany and to learn that you like the Northwoods books. Sorry, but I can't write more of that series at the moment because I need to finish other projects. I think it's great that you've written 40 pages. The more you write the better it will be!

    Right now CLV is publishing another series called Der Abenteuer Fluss. My story family lives on a steamboat and travels up and down the Mississippi River. They have many exciting adventures. The first book in the series is called Flucht in der Nacht. I believe you'll enjoy it!

    Thanks for writing! My best wishes for your continued storytelling! Lois Reply
  • Hope wrote:

    Hi, Lois
    I was wondering if you are still writing more books/series. Reply
    • lwj wrote:

      Right now I'm finishing up a study guide for the Viking Quest series.
      Then I plan to research and write something new. Thanks for asking!
      Lois Reply
      • Melody Nowak wrote:

        Hello! The viking quest books are wonderful! I plan to use them in my daughter's homeschool curriculum this year. Is the study guide you mentioned available yet? Thanks for your work that blends faith and adventure so well! Reply
  • Amelia wrote:

    Hi Mrs. Johnson. I wrote to you a couple of months ago telling you how much I love all of your book series. I just re-read the Viking Quest series and remembered how awesome all 5 books were. I read that you are trying to finish a study guide for the series. I would probably leap for joy if you wrote a 6th book. :D I love the ending of the 5th one! What would be really cool is if they turned turned the books into 5 movies. The movies would never be as good as the books but I'd love to see people try. I just don't know what would work best. :) -Amelia Reply
  • Erin wrote:

    My name is Erin and I am 14 years old.
    I love your books! I wanted to write you a letter, but can't find your address! Please tell me how I can get a letter to you!
    ~Erin Reply
    • lwj wrote:

      Hi Erin, look for the contact form that's on this website and please use that, okay?

      Thanks a bundle-- Lois Reply
  • Wabi wrote:

    Hi!!!! Do you think you could write a 6th viking quest book?? I love them so much,and so do the rest of my family=) God bless!!! Reply
    • lwj wrote:

      Thanks so much for writing! I'm glad you love the VQ books. I love the characters too! And I loved
      researching the stories and characters in the Republic of Ireland, Northern Ireland, and Norway.
      I can't promise what I'll do next, and I need to finish a study guide for the Viking Quest books. When that's finished I'll tell you about it online in case you want to use it for classes. Then I need to pray about what novels I'll write. OK?

      Thanks for asking! Hugs and the Lord's blessings to all of you! Lois Reply
  • Olivia wrote:

    Hello Mrs. Johnson. I wrote to you two years ago about the series Viking Quest. I am now 14 years old and I continue to read your books. I have read Viking Quest 3 times and I find it more thrilling every time. They have inspired me to strengthen my faith and to be a light to the nations. I would love to visit Ireland when I am older especially since my ancestors are from there. I do have one question for you. Are you ever going to write a sequel where Bree and Mikkel get married? I would be overjoyed if you did. If you don't that's okay I will continue to read Viking Quest until I am too old to see the words. And if that happens I will have someone read it to me. Thank so much for writing these books!
    Your faithful reader Olivia. :) Reply
    • lwj wrote:

      Thank you, Olivia, for writing again. It means very much to me that you've read the VQ books 3 times and find them more thrilling each time. Even better, that the books have inspired you to strengthen your faith and be a light to the nations. Do you know the verse Ps.2:8? It would be a great one for you to pray because of the way the Lord is strengthening your faith and encouraging you to be a light to the nations.

      I loved writing the VQ books and found it a great privilege to research them. When I traveled to Bergen, Norway, I wanted to ride the Funicular (looks kind of like a railroad car that goes up the side of the mountain above the city). But it was being repaired that day so I needed to hike up and down and all around. But that's how I discovered what Bree and Lil could do! And why it was hard to find them. Isn't that fun?

      I can't promise if I'll write more VQ books, but I need to finish the study guides for the 5 novels. When I have them ready I'll tell about it online so that you and others find out, okay?

      Love and blessings-- Lois Reply
  • lwj wrote:

    Thank you! I'm glad you like my site! Lois Reply
  • lwj wrote:

    Thank you, Parco. I'm glad to share my webpage with you. Lois Reply
  • Amelia wrote:

    I have read Freedom Seekers, Viking Quest, and Adventures of the Northwoods. They are all amazing book series and I love them. If you wrote another book to the Viking Quest series that would be awesome. My friend and I have thought of our own ideas that could lead to another set of book series for Viking Quest. But we know that you have your own ideas if you ever continued the Viking Quest series. You are an amazing author! Reply
    • lwj wrote:

      Thank you, Amelia. I'm so glad that you like the Freedom Seekers, Viking Quest and Northwoods series.
      Because you have read all those novels I immediately feel as if I know you and that you are my friend.
      Each time I finish writing a series I, too, would like to keep on telling about the characters! Thank you for understanding.

      Love and hugs-- Lois Reply
  • Julia Rose wrote:

    Dear Mrs.Walfrid Johnson,
    I am over the moon with your Viking Quest series. Every one of them is special and wonderful!
    I really thought it was cool that you included many moments of prayer and spiritual moments in all of your books. I am a Christain as well and all of your books encouraged me in my faith. I go to a public school where many kids aren't Christains. The Viking Quest series helped me to grow and be stronger in my faith. I am now moving on to the Freedom Seekers series and am very excited! My mother ( Paula) recently wrote a email to you about curriculum. I would be very grateful if you would please reply back. I thank you for writing your wonderful books and am very appreciative.
    Sincerely your friend,
    Julia Reply
    • lwj wrote:

      Thanks for your request for a Viking Quest study guide. I will soon be working on it again. When it's finished I'll tall you online so the study guide can be used either for homeschooling or by a classroom teacher in a school. Okay? Lois Reply
    • lwj wrote:

      I'm so glad that you like my Viking Quest series and that they've helped you. When I researched them in Ireland and Norway the Lord did some really fun things. In Ireland it can often be raining and I needed to walk everywhere or take public transportation. But when I was walking or waiting for a train I never got wet once! Then I would step inside somewhere and it started pouring. And when I was inside and needed to go somewhere it stopped raining!

      Isn't it fun the way the Lord helps us? Love, Lois

      Isn't that fun and a great gift from the Lord? Eve Reply
    • lwj wrote:

      Tell your mom that as soon as I finish some other work I plan to finish a study guide for Viking Quest.
      Watch my website for when it's ready. I think you'll enjoy using it. Lois Reply
  • Anonymous wrote:

    Dear Mrs. Johnson,
    My name is Makenna and I am 13. I love your freedom seekers books sooooooooooooooooooooo much!!!! You did such a good job with everything!!!!!!! I have recommended this series to numerous friends and they all LOVE them!y friends and I would LOVE it if you would write another book about Libby and Caleb!!!! I can't wait to try some of your other books!!!
    An addicted reader,

    Whoooooh! I'm amazed that according to your e-mail address you are a perfect child! Wow! And thanks for liking my books and recommending them to your friends. Love you--- Lois Reply
  • Eliana wrote:

    Dear Mrs. Johnson,

    I love your Adventures of the Northwoods! (In fact, there's one right next to me now which I just finished reading for the 15th time since we got them from the library). I can relate to Kate of that I am horse crazy, and I've also got a teasing brother too! The books really helped me in my Christian faith (and I'm glad to know I'm not the only person that is curious!) As with all good books, I wish the Northwoods series would never end.

    Your thank-you-so-much reader,
    Eliana Reply
    • lwj wrote:

      I'm glad that you're horse crazy like Kate. And I'm also glad my books have helped you in your Christian faith. And yes, I am curious too. When I start wondering about how to write a story my curiosity helps me find out!

      Love you-- Lois Reply
    • lwj wrote:

      I'm so glad that you like horses, too, and that the Northwoods mysteries have helped you in your Christian faith. Thank you for being a thank-you-so-much reader!

      Love, Lois Reply
  • Erika wrote:

    Dear Lois,

    I`m from Germany.
    My english is very bad, but I have a question.
    Can I buy an audiobook of Abenteuerwälder or other books from you?
    I would like to improve my english whit the audiobook + book in english.

    Best regards from Germany
    Erika Reply
    • lwj wrote:

      Hi Erika--
      I think your English is great. Can you imagine what it would be like if I tried to write in German?
      Watch for news from my German publisher--CLV--about audio books, okay? Lois Reply
  • Leona wrote:

    Dear Mrs. Johnson,
    Thank you so much for writing the Viking Quest series! I really enjoyed them. Can you please write more books about them, maybe from Bree and Mikkel's kids' perspective? I would like very much to read more about them.
    I also like the Adventures in the Northwoods series. I have Disaster on Windy Hill, The Runaway Clown, and a few others, but the rest I got from our local library. I like reading about Kate and her friends.
    I've only read a few Freedom Seekers, but they are also very good.
    -Leona, age 11, WI Reply
    • lwj wrote:

      Thank you, Leona! You warm my heart and make me want to keep writing!
      Lois Deut. 31:8 Reply
    • lwj wrote:

      Thanks, Leona, for your lovely note! I'm glad when you can get my books from your library. That helps you be able to read more of them. And if you're like I was when I was eleven (and still am that way!), I read, read, read because I find it so much fun! Lois Reply
  • MaKenna Kennard wrote:

    Hello Mrs. !!! I heard about your books the Freedom Seekers and I just finished them and LOVED them!!!!!!!!!!!!! Like I read one book a day!!!!!! You did such an amazing job with the characters!!! They seem soooo real! I really love that they had just the right stuff : adventure, Christian faith, and amazing characters!!! It is soooo hard to find books as good as these!!! My friends and I would LOVE,LOVE, LOVE if you would write a seventh book!!!!!!!!
    ~ MaKenna ~ Reply
  • Laura wrote:

    Dear Mrs. Johnson,

    Thank you so very much for your books! I know you must have heard this a thousand times ,but I really can't tell you how much I L-O-V-E them !!!!!!! Thank you so much for making God real in your books and helping me realize, if I draw near to Him, He WILL draw near to me !!!!!

    I have both your series Adventures of the Northwoods and Riverboat Adventures ,and they are both great !!! And the Adventures of the Northwoods is especially dear to my heart because of Kate .I'm just like her in so many ways !!!! :)

    I can't tell you how much I admire you , in allowing God to use you in such a WONDROUS way !!!!!!!!!
    You are a very creative,special , and wonderful writer !

    Please don't ever stop writing ! And only if you would like to ,(like Ruth) I also think it would be so great for you to continue the Adventures of the Northwoods , and show how Kate and Erik could continue their relationship in a sweet and God-honoring way!!! Very few people have a true and beautiful relationship with God, and still have a good (and healthy ) relationship with friends . ( Whether boys or girls)I really think you could do it in a lovely way !!!!! :)

    Thank you again with all my heart for your books !!!!!! They have taught me a lot !

    And most importantly thank you for showing me that God , my Father can be very special to me if I trust in Him ,and don't fear of what's going to happen . (Just like Kate ) :)
    Love , Laura 13, Vermont :) Reply
    • lwj wrote:

      Laura-- Thank you so much for the heart you have for what is really important. Yes, I want to make God real. I want young people like you (and everyone) to know that when you draw near to the Lord he does draw near to you. I treasure how you have said so many important things. And I keep praying about what I should write next.

      In case a few people wonder, I wrote the Northwoods series first and then the Riverboats. When I had the opportunity to write study questions published in each of the 6 Riverboat novels, I changed the series title to Freedom Seekers because it helps us understand the Underground Railroad story and also our Constitutional freedoms.

      And you have a great name--LAURA! My dad grew up on a farm across the road from where the Ingalls family lived!!!! Love, Lois Reply
  • Laura wrote:

    Dear Mrs. Johnson ,

    Thank you so very much for your books! I know you must have heard this a thousand times ,but I really can't tell you how much I L-O-V-E them !!!!!!! Thank you so much for making God real in your books , and helping me realize if I draw near to Him ,He WILL draw near to me !!!!!

    I have read both your series , Adventures of the Northwoods and Riverboat Adventures, and they are both great !!! And the Adventures of the Northwoods is especially dear to my heart because of Kate ! I'm just like her in so many ways!!!! :)

    I can't tell you how much I admire you , in allowing God to use you in such a WONDROUS way!!!!!!!!! You are a very creative, special ,and wonderful writer !!!

    Please don't ever stop writing ! And only if you would like to , (like Ruth ) I also think it would be so great for you to continue the Adventures of the Northwoods , and show how Kate and Erik could continue their relationship in a sweet and God-honoring way!!! Very few people have a true and beautiful relationship with God, and still have a good (and healthy) relationship with friends , (whether boys or girls ) . I really think you could do it in a lovely way !!!!! :)

    Thank you again with all my heart for your books !!!!!! They have taught me a lot!

    And most of all ,thank you for showing me ( even though a bunch of people look at God and their devotions as " I have to do it " , which I used to do, ) that God, my Father can be very special to me if I trust in Him , and Him ALONE !!! :)

    Laura , 13 , Vermont :) Reply
    • lwj wrote:

      Dear Laura,
      Thank you for your lovely letter. You have such a good heart in what you know about the Lord.
      Thank you for telling me that God, your Father, is very special to you when you trust in Him and Him ALONE!

      For other readers who might wonder, the Riverboat Adventures are now out with a new series title... When I had the opportunity to write study questions to help people who want to use the books for school/home schooling, I changed the series title to FREEDOM SEKKERS. If any of you read German, the first two books in the series have also been translated into German and the third will be out soon.

      Again, Laura, thank you! I'm especially glad that you know that when you draw near to God he will draw near to you!!! Lois Deut. 31:8 Reply
      • Laura wrote:

        Dear Mrs. Johnson ,

        I'm so sorry for sending the same email again and again . For a while it seemed like it wasn't going through - it must have seemed kind of funny to get all those - OOPS .

        Thank you so much for your encouraging and sweet notes !!! They mean a lot to me ! :)

        Also , I was just wondering if you received my letter ?

        Have a great day and wonderful Easter !!!!

        Love , Laura :) Reply
        • lwj wrote:

          Yes, I received your letter, but can't post it unless I know whether you need a parent's approval.
          Are you saying now that you are 18 or older?

          Thanks for all your good comments! Lois Reply
  • Clarissa wrote:

    Dear Mrs Johnson,
    Greetings from Australia!  I am a 15 year old, who recently had come across your ‘Viking Quest’ novels through Koorong (Christian Bookshop). I bought the first book for my younger sister (12 years old) for Christmas and she loved it! We both have read the 5 books and thoroughly enjoyed them! In our world today it can be hard to find God-centred, motive-filled, encouraging and positive literature for young adolescents. I found your Viking Quest Series to be all of these as well as highly emotive, engagingly descriptive, extremely attention-grabbing and adventurous. I saw the historic side of the novels as a very vital part of these series and I thank you mightily for taking the time to research the background period and historic events that are included within this series. The structure of these novels were outstandingly written as life was breathed into all the characters - they all individually possessed definable traits which helped the reader fully engage with the stories. The climaxes were exceptionally captivating, and since I have a love for adventure, suspense and drama, this series totally suited my personality and reading genre.
    I loved the ending of the series.... [and yes, Clarissa wants more books about these characters...as many of you do. Lois]

    [Clarissa again]: I really hope you will consider making a follow-on series to this one, as I know all of us who have had the upmost privilege of reading your stories would thoroughly look forward to, and treasure it greatly. PLEASE CONSIDER!!!  (Pleading face!)

    Thank you for your blessing of wonderfully-created literature in our world. I really appreciate all you do and wish with all my heart that you will continue to write adventurous God-centered novels that will touch and transform all those who read their lively, attention-grabbing stories crafting within the pages. May God abundantly bless you in all that you do. If you are able, I look forward to hearing your thoughts on my pleading request.
    Your sister in Christ; Australian fan,
    Clarissa Reply
    • Clarissa wrote:

      After writing last night I had an idea: perhaps the follow on series could be titled Gospel Quest, and be novels where Mikkel & Bree travel around the world sharing the gospel to different nations (as well as hearing more about their family/friends & lives etc. as per my other note)? Just another idea that I hope with every inch of my heart that you will consider :) Clarissa Reply
    • lwj wrote:

      A thousand thanks, Clarissa, for this message and your second one. I deeply appreciate everything you've said. While writing the Viking Quest series I had the privilege of researching in the Republic of Ireland, Northern Ireland, and Norway. I am deeply grateful for the books I could read, the people who talked with me, and the authorities from 6 countries who also helped me. Most of all, I'm grateful for the way the Lord inspired the story and helped me write it.

      Clarissa, you have a wonderful ability to express yourself in writing and I hope you keep on writing!
      Love you, Lois Reply
  • Laura wrote:

    Dear Mrs. Johnson,

    Thank you so very much for your books !!!!!! I know you must have heard this a thousand times :), but I really can't tell you how much I L-O-V-E them!!!!!Thank you so much for making God real in your books and helping me realize if I draw near to Him , He WILL draw near to me !
    I have read both your series Adventures of the Northwoods and Riverboat Adventures and they are both great ! But the Adventures of the Northwoods is especially dear to my heart because of Kate . I'm just like her in so many ways!!!
    And I can't tell you how much I admire you , in allowing God to use you in such a WONDEROUS way!!!!!!!!!! :) Very few people have a true and beautiful relationship with God , and still have a good relationship with friends .(Whether boys or girls)
    Please don't ever stop writing !And only if you would like to , (like Ruth) I also think , it would be so great for you to continue the Adventures of the Northwoods and show how Kate and Erik could continue their relationship in a sweet and God -honoring way!!!!! :) I really think you could do it in a lovely way !!
    Thank you again with all my heart for your books!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Laura :) 13, Vermont Reply
    • Laura wrote:

      Dear Mrs. Johnson,
      ( Sorry ,my first attempt to write you, didn't come out the way I wanted it to.
      Oh well. :) Here is what I wanted to say.)

      Thank you so very much for your books! I know you must have heard this a thousand times ,but I really can't tell you how much I L-O-V-E them !!!!!!! Thank you so much for making God real in your books and helping me realize if I draw near to Him, He WILL draw near to me !!!!!

      I have both your series Adventures of the Northwoods and Riverboat Adventures and they are both great !!! And the Adventures of the Northwoods is especially dear to my heart because of Kate .I'm just like her in so many ways !!!! :)

      I can't tell you how much I admire you , in allowing God to use you in such a WONDROUS way !!!!!!!!!
      You are a very creative and wonderful writer !

      Please don't ever stop writing ! And only if you would like to ,(like Ruth) I also think it would be so great for you to continue the Adventures of the Northwoods , and show how Kate and Erik could continue their relationship in a sweet and God-honoring way!!! Very few people have a true and beautiful relationship with God, and still have a good (and healthy ) relationship with friends . ( Whether boys or girls)I really think you could do it in a lovely way !!!!! :)

      Thank you again with all my heart for your books !!!!!! They have taught me a lot !

      Love ,
      Laura 13, Vermont :) Reply
  • Lina-Marie wrote:

    Dear Lois,
    At Christmas I got the "adventures of the northwoods"-series. I read it over and over again. It's hard to write a book, that is appealing to boys and girls of every age. You did a very good job, I want to thank you.
    I am from Germany (please excuse my english, I'll do my best :-)) and as I heard, that there is a new translation of another series, I felt really joyful!
    I enjoyed every word of the first novel of "the freedom seekers". I was really sad, when it ended. Impromptu I bought the other books in english. I was surprised that I understood the whole series.
    I like the story so much, yes the freedom seekers and the adventures of the northwoods were the best books I ever read (except my bible, of course)!
    Thanks a lot for writing good, Christian literature. I love the way Christian virtues like courage, honesty and trust in God are worked into your novels. Also it shows how good relationships between boys and girls should be.
    I learnt to trust the Lord, I learnt to make good choices and how to be a girl that looks at the inside and not at the latest fashion or a nice face (like Libby at the beginning).
    Please write more.
    Your little sister in Christ,

    PS: I will buy the Viking Quest series too. Since I read Freedom seekers in English, my mark at school is better!

    Hi Lina-Marie-- What fun it is to hear from you! You are doing a wonderful job of writing in English. And I'm delighted that since you've read Freedom Seekers books in English your mark in school is better! Big congratulations! Love, Lois Reply
    • lwj wrote:

      Lina-Marie, what a privilege it is to meet you! Thank you for liking my books. Thanks, even more, for being the person you are! And you don't need to worry about your English. You are very good, not only at reading English, but also at writing it. Thank you for calling yourself my little sister in Christ. I believe you're my BIG sister in Christ!!! What fun that is!

      Love, Lois Reply
  • Carley wrote:

    hi i cant tell you how much i have enjoyed reading the adventure of the Northwoods. Kate reminds me of my self curious and daring i feel like kate is me in another time period. i look alot like Kate also with brown almost black hair everythings the same except for the eye color i'm short for my age also. if you ever need an actress for a movie to star Kate please mail me . i also have latly brought a horse back to health, i also love to ride. i cant thank you enough about writting this seris. please make a movie out of this. -Carley Elizabeth
    p.s our a very gifted lady thanks for sharing your talents Reply
    • lwj wrote:

      Isn't it fun that you not only like reading about Kate? You also look a lot like her and love to ride.
      YOU are a gifted person for writing and encouraging me!

      Love, Lois Reply
  • Nancy wrote:

    Hello to Lois and friends! I have just started a book discussion group with a couple of my grandchildren, and we are reading Raiders from the Sea. I saw a note in the back of the book to go to your website for study questions, but I can't find them. Are they no longer available? Thanks for the cool books. We have Swedes and Norwegians in our background, live in MN, and my lovely grands' hearts are tender toward the Lord. These books are so relevant to us personally. Reply
    • lwj wrote:

      Your book discussion with a couple of your grandchildren sounds great! And I'm sorry that the note about a VQ study guide got into the back of Raiders from the Sea before the guide was completed and published. Right now I need to finish some other work, but I'll do my best to catch up. I strongly suspect you might have some of your own great ideas for study questions!

      The series first called The Riverboat Adventures is now called Freedom Seekers and does have study guides in each novel. The Freedom Seekers are not only story characters involved with the Underground Railroad, but also people who understand and want to live the Constitutional freedoms set in place by our American forefathers. Each novel in this series of six books has study questions at the back and will help families, teachers, and home educators talk about important concepts. Reply
  • Amy wrote:

    I am a huge fan of your Viking Quest series and use it in conjunction with our History curriculum to teach about the Viking period. Despite a great deal of searching, I cannot find a definitive answer as to how Mikkel's name is pronounced. The book mentions that Mikkel pronounced it as if he heard an Irishman say it. I'd truly appreciate any insight you can provide. Thank you for a wonderful series that helps my students love reading! Reply
    • lwj wrote:

      Thank you, Amy, for being a huge fan of my Viking Quest series and for using it with your history curriculum to teach about the Viking period. You've asked a great question! For all of you who are wondering, Amy is talking about something that happens in the first and second chapters of the first novel in the series, Raiders from the Sea. Bree meets a strange boy who pronounces his name in a different way than how the Irish would pronounce it (Mee-HAHL). And why does that become a clue? The Norwegian spelling and pronunciation: MIKKEL pronounced MIK-el. In both countries the meaning for Michael is the same: Who is like God?

      When I received the go-ahead from my publisher for writing this series I had the privilege of traveling to Norway, the Republic of Ireland, and Northern Ireland to research. I had often heard about the frequent rain in Ireland, and I needed to either walk or take public transportation. But one of the very special gifts I received from the Lord was his watching over my travel. When I had to walk it didn't rain. When I stepped inside a building, it poured. When I needed to go out again it stopped. Over and over this happened. I never got wet!

      For more about names I find The Melting Pot Book of Baby Names by Connie Lockhart Ellefson very valuable. (Betterway Books, an imprint of F&W Publications, Inc., 3rd edition, 1507 Dana Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45207, 800-289-0963. Reply
  • Maria wrote:

    Hi! My name is Maria. I am 10. I really REALLY love your Viking Quest series. I'm reading it through for the fifth time! I told all my friends and we came up with the idea to each take part in acting it out. I think that it should be made into a movie series!! I think a lot of people would love to see it! Your devoted fan, Maria from the Adirondacks in New York! Reply
    • lwj wrote:

      Hey, Maria, it's fun to hear from the Adirondacks in New York! Thanks for loving the Viking Quest series.
      Whooh! The fifth time you've read the series? I'm impressed! Big time thank you! Lois Reply
  • Jennifer O' Harver wrote:

    My daughter loves your books. Do you have any plans to write new books in the future? Reply
    • lwj wrote:

      Thank you for asking! Yes, Jennifer, I want to continue writing. I'm still thinking and researching about what I want to do next so won't say more until I have something ready and accepted.

      Blessings! Lois Reply
  • Maya wrote:

    I've read the whole series at least 3 times. Thanks for writing AWESOME books!! Reply
    • lwj wrote:

      Hi Maya-- Help me out. Which series do you mean? Whichever one it is I'm glad you've read them at least 3 times!

      Love, Lois Reply
      • Maya wrote:

        You should consider writing a sequel to the Freedom Seekers. I have read that series 5 times now. They are sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo awesome. !!!!! I have a letter written but I can't find your address. How can I find your address?

        Hi Maya-- When you fill out the form that's online your e-mail comes to me. Thanks for writing! Lois
    • Maya wrote:

      I have now read the Viking Quest Series and I'm going to read the Northwoods series. I loved the Viking series soooooooooooooooooo much!!

      Thanks, Maya. I researched that series in the Republic of Ireland, Northern Ireland, and Norway.
      It was so much fun to learn about all the places I wanted to write about.

      Lois Reply
  • Ruth Bäumner wrote:

    Dear Lois Walfrid Johnson
    I have read the ten Adveteurs of the Northwoods books and I love this books there are my favourite books.I want to read all books with Libby,Caleb,Nostad....You are a very good author, my fouvrite author.Have fun when you writing your books!!!!I live in Hatzfeld thats is in Germany and I rea your books very quickly and then and then I wait for the next book.
    Ruth,12,Germany, Hatzfeld Reply
    • lwj wrote:

      What fun to hear from Germany! I'm delighted that you have read all 10 Northwoods books in German.
      AND that you want to read the series that is called Freedom Seekers in America and a title that is translated Der Abenteuer Fluss in German. The first two novels are out now, and the artist gives us a delightful view of the Mississippi riverfront on the cover.

      And guess what? The translator of these books is Franziska Sagesser, a reader of my books who grew up in Switzerland. (Sorry, I can't figure out how to put the dots above the a in her last name.) Reply
  • Anna wrote:

    Dear Mrs. Walfrid-Johnson,
    I absolutely love your books, especially "Freedom Seekers!" I told my friends about them and they love them too. You should write a sequel series so we can learn what happens to Caleb and Libby. When I was reading your books I felt like I was there with the characters. Thank you for writing awesome books:)
    Anna,13,CA Reply
    • lwj wrote:

      Thank you, Anna, and your name is the same as my middle name! Thanks so much for liking the Freedom Seeker books. I'm glad you felt like you were there with the characters. That's the way I start feeling when I write stories. And here's a writing tip for everyone: If you know your characters really well you start knowing what things they like to do and how they think. Then you start knowing how they will act and it's easier to write about them. It's like telling a story about a friend.

      Love, Lois Reply
    • Makenna wrote:

      Dear Mrs. Walfrid,
      I absolutely LOVE your Freedom Seekers series!!!!!! I loved that you gave them sooo much adventure and Christian beliefs!!!!! You did such a great job with this series and have inspired me to write a book of my own! It is such a relief to be able to find good wholesome books out there still!!!! I loved how it is soooo easy to connect with the characters! My friends and fellow readers are begging you to bless us with another book containing what happens to Libby and Caleb!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks soooooo much again for blessing me with your books
      An addicted reader
      MaKenna :)
      P.S. I am 13 :) Reply
      • lwj wrote:

        Thank you, Makenna! I think it would be fun for you to know that the Freedom Seeker series is being translated into German right now. Isn't it great to think of people who read German also
        enjoying these books?

        Love, Lois Reply
  • Chris wrote:

    Hi! I really enjoy your books. I have a few questions for you. How did you go to Ireland? How did you learn about the names Bree, Mikkel, Sigurd, and Devin? Did you find them in books? They are really interesting names.

    I am a writer too. Can you tell me how I can learn how to create my own Irish and Viking names?

    Would you ever consider having your books made into audio books?

    Have you watched the new Viking show on the History Channel?

    Do you know anyone who makes Viking swords and jewelry?

    Would you ever consider putting sword fighting in your books?

    Thank you for considering my questions.

    Chris Reply
    • lwj wrote:

      Hi Chris-- I'm going to take your questions one by one.
      Going to Ireland: I wrote a proposal for the VQ series and when my publisher gave me a go-ahead I wanted to continue my research by traveling to Ireland and other places I planned to include in the series.

      You can create your own Viking and Irish names by knowing Scandinavian and Irish people. Also check out the book, The Melting Pot Book of Baby Names that I talk about in another reply I give on this site. Be sure your names work for the time period about which you write.

      Many of my books have been made into audio and e-books.

      Sorry, no, I haven't watched the new Viking show on History Channel. It's been a really busy year for me.

      Do I know anyone who makes Viking swords and jewelry? I don't personally, but check out what I say in my blog about the Scandinavian Shop in Alexandria, MN. They would know what to tell you.

      Something like sword fighting needs to fit into the overall plan of a book, and I haven't had the right place for it. Also, because my books are read by all ages, I'm careful about using topics that might be difficult for family read-alouds with young children. If you decide to use sword-fighting you will need to know and consider who your reading audience will be. Reply
  • Samantha wrote:

    Dear Ms. Johnson,

    I am working my way through yet another reading of your Freedom Seekers Series.

    Thank you for writing wholesome, adventure-filled books like these. You not only point people to the truth, you give them food for thought. The question this series raises for me is: are you willing to risk everything for what you believe?

    In today's society where passivity is encouraged, we need the same convictions and bravery that Capt. Norstad, Caleb, Libby, and Jordan possess. Though the issues back in the 1850's were attacked in a different way, they are ideally the same as today--morality and freedom to be our own person.

    With so much of our media telling us to turn a blind eye to what is wrong, it's good to find books dealing with people taking an active stand for what they know is right. That's the type of person I want to become.

    And you're the type of writer I hope to become. Someone who writes with a purpose.

    If I ever marry and have kids, I will share the Freedom Seekers books with them and pray that it inspires them to stand firm in their beliefs, as it has me.

    Thank you for using your talents for God's glory. May you be richly blessed by Him.

    Samantha Reply
    • lwj wrote:

      Hi Samantha--
      You are showing the kind of courage all of us need in this time. Thank you for thinking this through:

      "With so much of our media telling us to turn a blind eye to what is wrong, it’s good to find books dealing with people taking an active stand for what they know is right. That’s the type of person I want to become....And you’re the type of writer I hope to become. Someone who writes with a purpose."

      And thank you many times over for your encouragement! May you continue to grow in understanding the Lord's ways and thoughts and using your talents for his glory!

      Love, Lois Reply
  • Sawyer wrote:

    Mrs. Johnson,
    The Viking Quest books were awesome! These were the best books we've read in our homeschool ever. My sister and I kept asking my mom to read another chapter. We didn't want the books to end. Thanks for writing such exciting books.
    Sawyer, age 11, Wisconsin Reply
    • lwj wrote:

      How fun! I'm so glad you like the VQ series! And I always love hearing that the series has been used in someone's schooling. Because I have always loved reading I'm very grateful when my books help others like you enjoy reading too!

      Love you, your sister, and your family-- Lois Reply
  • Eva, age 9, Wisconsin wrote:

    Dear Mrs. Johnson,
    I really like your Viking Quest books. I love to hear my mom read them to me. I was really sad when they ended. Viking Quest is Amazing. I really wish it never ended. Your books inspired me to make my own book. I really liked Bree as the main character. Reply
    • lwj wrote:

      Hi Eva-- What fun! I'm so glad that the VQ books inspired you to make your own book!
      I like Bree too! By now she seems like my close friend. Isn't that great?

      Love, Lois Reply
  • Ruth wrote:

    Dear Lois Walfrid Johnson,

    I cannot express to you how much I love your Adventures in the Northwoods series. I have deeply enjoyed reading them over and over, finding little details about the characters that I missed in previous readings. I know that you have heard this multiple times over the years, but please continue this amazing series. I would love it if you continued where you left off and showed your readers young and old Kate and Erik’s courting relationship.

    I cannot express to you how much I appreciate the fact that your books have always shown healthy relationships amongst the characters. Books such as these are few and hard to come by. I feel as though if you were to continue this series with Kate, Erik, Anders, and Josie growing in healthy relationships it would influence my generation for the better. I barely go to the teen section of my library anymore because if I find a book that appears to be a good read, all the relationships are messed up. I find it so sad that that’s what my generation is reading. I feel that these books are part of the cause for all the confused relationships in my generation. I believe that what a person intakes from a book affects him or her greatly. I am really hoping that you will continue this series to help my generation and many more to come.

    You have experienced many more relationships than I or any other people in my generation probably have, and you could share your knowledge throughout Kate and Erik’s courting relationship. I know that I am just one voice, but that’s all I have.

    Once again I thank you for writing great Christian books. I know that if a book has your name on it, it will be fun, inspiring, and full of good Christian lessons. I thank you again for writing all of these amazing books. May God bless you in your future endeavors.

    Ruth, 15, Wisconsin Reply
    • Lois Walfrid Johnson wrote:

      Thank you, Ruth, for your lovely, encouraging e-mail. You have a wise heart and a strong voice. You are saying something very important to all of us who are writers. You are also encouraging your own generation to make a difference by developing strong, healthy relationships in whatever part of the world they live.

      Lois Reply
  • Sophia wrote:

    I read all six of the Freedom Seekers … I loved every single one of them,
    but I wished there could have been a seventh book…. Would you consider writing a seventh
    Freedom Seekers book?

    Thank you for wanting more Freedom Seeker books. I love the characters too. Every time I write a series
    that happens because my characters start feeling like friends. But right now I can't promise that I'll
    write more FS books. I'll see what happens down the road, okay?

    Love, Lois Reply
    • Elle wrote:

      Dear Lois walfris Johnson
      I have read the adventures in the northwoods series , the freedom seekers and the Viking quest series and whilst they were all great, my favorite one was the Viking quest series . I have always loved Viking and Norse things so this series was perfect . I especially loved how you grew everyone up !! As I read I realized I was somewhat like Bree : stubborn , has a temper and even kind of how she had a really hard time forgiving mikkel . I am proud to say I have improved . So thank you for writing great books .

      I have a question : would you consider doing a mini series of sorts ? To continue the stories beyond the ending of the books you've already written? Because that would be the most fantastic thing ever !! Anyway I'm quite sure you are rather busy.

      May you live to see a thousand reasons to rejoice ( that's from fiddler on the roof , love that movie ) thank you !!!! --- Elle Reply
      • lwj wrote:

        Thank you, Elle, for your great comments. It's interesting that you feel somewhat like Bree. I want to make my characters seem like real people and you not only have noticed that, but can be proud to say you have improved!!!!! I would be interested in continuing stories beyond the ending of books I've already written. But right now I need to do some other things so I can't promise that I'll be able to do what you've asked. Just the same, thanks for asking and for your big-time encouragement! Lois Reply

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